Stay tuned


Well-Known Member
Been waiting to hear of any results from Port Dover pier but with all the crappy weather lately I imagine its a case of too this/too that:P

Yesterdays weather plus forecast for today may have brought the perch into the pier------------sooooooo going down this afternoon to try the afternoon shift and see what happens.

You dont know if you dont go!!!!!

I was in Port Dover sunday evening and there were about 15 people fishing. Seen just about everyone with some fish. One group of 3 anglers had 2 buckets with lots of fish and at least a dozen nice jumbos.
Originally posted by mrloud

I was in Port Dover sunday evening and there were about 15 people fishing. Seen just about everyone with some fish. One group of 3 anglers had 2 buckets with lots of fish and at least a dozen nice jumbos.

Thank you for the news---what I've been waiting to hear

Report from Port Stanley...

Fished off the rocks today, slow but beautiful. 5 fish caught, 2 jumbos, a smaller perch and 2 silvers. I would believe it will be heating up really soon.
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