St.Williams papers


Well-Known Member
Out by blue hut #9
Forgot the weed fin have the weed. Anyone got papers
@Yakfisherman I did!
the fishing was so slow I’m glad I always bring my rolling tray and some bud incase I run out!
I only smoke freshly rolled hahaha

will have to go fishing Derek sounds like my kind of day!

well tons of dinks the jumbos came and went just as fast they’d swim in fast strike and usually spit out the minnow during hookset and be gone. Not like there was many

slow slow day compared to the other days I’ve been out. Was out 0.6NM according to navonics straight out of lighthouse. Pressure crack was just in front of us.

Everyone was spread out decently. Was a busy day out there
Ended the day with two keepers but we fished from 11-3 so the worst time.
I have every toy imaginable, I prefer my joints over anything. But yes leaving a disposable pen in the tackle box is a worthy investment
Need to watch driving home jacked up after a day of fishing
I'm starting to relive a Pink Floyd concert I went to years ago with a neighbour when I lived in Oakville.

Weird. :unsure::X3::eek::D