St. Williams Firefighters Perch Derby


GET YOUR TICKETS! for the St. Williams Firefighter's1st Annual PERCH FISHING DERBY
Sunday Feb. 6 2011

1st prize $150
2nd prize $100
3rd prize $50

WEIGH IN @ St. Williams Community Centre 12pm - 5pm

3pm draw - Lake Erie Bait and Tackle Fishing Charter

Get your tickets from any St. Williams Firefighter or Pine Needle Gas station HWY 24 and Forestry Farm RD

$10 per ticket

St. Williams Firefighters 1st Annual Perch Fishing Derby Rules
Lake Erie, St. Williams, ON

The 2011 perch fishing derby will be held on Sunday February 6th, from 12pm to 5pm

St. Williams Community Centre

Prize Fish Classifications:
”Eligible Fish”: Any PERCH caught in the Inner Lake Erie Bay

All fishing contestants must abide by the Province of Ontario Fishing Laws and any special rules announced by the Canadian Ice Fishing Championship organizers
Anglers are encouraged to live-release any fish they suspect will not be a winning fish contender, or is not being caught for personal food consumption

Contestants are responsible for their own safety, actions and property at all times.
The St. Williams Fire Department is not liable for any injury or loss of life or property due to thin ice or any other hazards that may exist. By entering you accept responsibility for your own safety and knowledge of your surroundings.

Registration and Prize Claims:
All members of fishing party must be registered with their own derby ticket
To claim prizes, winners must have positive ID, derby ticket & fishing license
Derby judges have final approval of registered fish & reserve the absolute right to inspect, dissect or exclude any fish
Winners are determined by the total weight of a maximum of three perch for each cash prize
Cash prizes are as follows:
1st prize: $150 2nd prize: $100 3rd prize: $50
The contestants must be present at the St. Williams Community Center to receive their cash prize, or if unable to be present will be contacted via telephone all winners will be posted in the Lake Shore Shopper
Many door prizes donated by local community businesses and individuals will be dispersed at the community centre from 12pm - 5pm
Snacks and beverages will be available for your enjoyment
Ticket Draw:
The Chartered Fishing boat from Lake Erie Bait & Tackle will be raffled off @ 3pm
The winner will be contacted via telephone, or if present informed at the community centre once the draw is complete
The entry fee of tournament is included in the price of the ticket
If unsafe ice conditions cause Derby cancellation, entrants will still be entered to win the chartered boat drum raffle
There will be no refund of any kind

The St. Williams Firefighter's thank you for all your support. Feel free to contact any local firefighter for more information
Yeah we need ticket price and I will post on another site and spread the word as much as I can.

could you explain more on what prizes will be awarded for?
eg, one perch or combination off ,dead or alive lol
thank you
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