St Williams Feb 23


Well-Known Member
Hey All

We went straight out to the pressure crack , starting fishing around 7:30 and by 9 we had 4 keepers in the pail, fished till 17:30 and ended up with 12 keeper perch and 2 blue gills 1-14" 1-12" and the rest were 9" to 11" (I don't keep any under 9" , we need them for breeding stock !) the blue gill were good size as well . Throw a pile of little ones back . Water was murky but did start to clean up but that was when the bite stopped ! All in all it was a nice sunny day and I even managed a sun burn on my face . Lots of ice , about 14" where we were . I leave for Lake Nipissing on March 6 so might have been my last trip to the bay this year onless the ice hold up till I'am back !!..............apps
Hi all.
Thanks for the report Apps. I haven't decided which sisde of the Bay to fish today. I will let number 1 decide on the way down.
Cheers, Clark
Hey Walleye

Good luck on your outting later today , let us know how you make out . Had a buddy call me and he want to get out next wendsday so I think there is at least 1 more bay trip :P(if momma let out to play) before I go to Nipissing . Have fun and be safe ............apps
apps when are you going to nippising I am going on the 11 till the 15 of march. out of south bay ice bungalows. hope the weather is good.

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
Hey Binkley

My buddy has a cottage 14 miles west on the south side , but I know the the hut you are talking about we drive by them on the way out . Lot of outfitters and huts , hope the bite is on when we get there , can't wait for some hard water eyes . Good luck !!
ya me too I haven't even been on the bay this year went down to dunnville 3 weeks ago and the wind was so strong not a good day about 40 smelt only. aer you going around the same time would love to meet you??

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
Hey Binkley

We are leave home March 6 , we will be coming off Lake Nipissing March 11 , if you know what condo you are staying in I could stop in , we drive right by all the outfitters huts on the way to Wade's Landing where the truck will be parked..........apps
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