Spousal support


Well-Known Member
It looks like I’m going to have to teach my wife everything I know in only a couple hours. Even filleting the Fish. Seems I broke my hand When I lost my balance last trip out . Took a couple days for the pain to set in and now I’m in a cast! Bs I say.
This is a good excuse to do as I am doing. Teach her to clean fish now don't wait until trouble strikes. Plus it takes half as long to get the cleaning done and the bragging started lol. Hope you recover soon.
Rod hand ... the doctor wouldn’t cast it with a rod holder or some sorta hook

Be resourceful, wear a groove for the rod in it. ;):)

Many many years ago I broke a wrist at work, every weekend I went snowmobiling and shattered the cast. Fracture clinic kept making a heavier cast, and I just kept shattering them. One Dr got the great idea of making me a club so I couldn't go sledding. I just wore a hole in the palm and stuck it on the end of the handlebar.

Next visit he just rolled his eyes. He got it, I wasn't giving up sledding for anything.

Sorry about your break.