Some perch eye candy


Well-Known Member
Went out the day before the storm, launched at Bayfront Park and we started searching. Found the fish finally but the bite was so light you would swear you had a dink hitting........wrong!!! Only caught 1 perch under 9. Took home 30 for the frying pan.



Yes I know some of you call these "Toxic Perch" but hey....just leaves more for me to eat my 4 meals per month as by the guideline!!!
Nice to see hogs this time of year,dont see too many posts of big perch this time of year but from what i read,in fishing books.. you are most likely to get the biggest perch of the year,this month...because the hens are holding most of their biggest weight.. now..just before their spawn.
Holy cow Batman!! Good job on the perch..:P I stopped by my regular spot on the way home from Toronto last weekend for a look see and noticed the Bay is wide open.

April is almost here, so I will be getting the licence renewed soon.

As far as them being "Toxic Perch".. fuddle duddle.. :D Ever since a friend from another board told me about yellow perch in the Hamilton area 4-5 years ago now.. I've been eating them out of there. I'm not glowing in technicolour yet.

Mind you I don't get down that way too often, so when I do find the motherlode.. bloody right I'm gonna have a few.:D
awsome fish soon time to get my boat p.s love the live well kind looks like mine. keep up with the pictures

will hunt for food
8Di would hope that beer was not on this boat//its a minus for fisherman to do that but // some love to be bubbas and break the rules so we all suffer8888
Beer and perch nothing better. Enjoy your self thats whats it's all about.

The meaning of life? FISHING!!!
30 Perch to one can of beer. Great ratio!
Nice catch. I'm sure Hamilton is cleaner than it use to be.
Also heard on CNN about mercury in fish.
Apparently it's not as bad for you as they once thought.
Kinda like a nuclear power plant at Nanticoke.
FYI I DRINK BUDWEISER!!! I picked up a floating Busch can from someone who is obviously too cheap to buy real beer. Figured I'd do my part to help clean up the harbour but got slammed for it. If you remember any of my postings they usually had BUDWEISER bottles of Cans!!!!
been there done that beernut ppl just jump to conclusion without question but dont let it bug yah too much. I cant wait to get out soon. thanks for the pics

will hunt for food
Originally posted by ship wrecked

How do you know if he drank the beer or he picked the empty out of the water?[^]

Ditto here.

Thanks for sharing the report and the pics. It has been a long winter for many of us. Nice to see some guys are getting out on some open water.

Name: Jason Barnucz (Delhi, Ontario)
Thanks to my sponsors Bass Magnet Lures, Koppers Live Target Lures, Fishing World (Hamilton)
2007, 2011 Team Ontario, Ontario BASS Federation Nation
Beernut....did you catch them right there off of bayfront park at the point? Never fish lake O but would like to give it a try with my boy before I dock it down in Erie.....thx Adrian.

AHHH The Fishin Life!
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