Some local perch


Well-Known Member
Went out after work...10 minute drive ...then 10 minutes by boat (14' with 8hp). Not much to say...let the pictures do the talking. Fished about 1 1/2 hours.


3 lb bow was a nice surprise!!!


That's awesome! My favorite fish to eat (perch) + my favorite fish to catch (rainbow)!!!!!! Gotta love it!!
Nope...this is good old Lake Ontario. Shiners on pik rigs did the damage. Had another good catch today along with a large cat. Tired and have to get up for work at 430 am and will try to post pictures tomorrow.
Also lake O and Erie both have nuke plants glowing on their shores.Anyway nice to see big catches this time of year,no matter where it is,its all about having fun too.
Funny you say that BentPole. Guide to eating Ontario sportfish reccomends only 8 servings of perch 8-14" a month from Long Point. Where I am fishing the reccomend 4 servings a month for the same size bracket. So yes I will gladly enjoy my feed of "toxic" perch since I only eat them about 4 times a month anyway. Please keep flaming the fish there....hopefully you will scare more fishermen away and leave me more meals!!!!!!
Since I don't smoke...and rarely drink anymore a few "toxins" might do the body good!!!!
Oh ya we nailed em again this evening...were throwing back perch 9-10" by the dozens because we already had more than enough for a feed. Also landed a nice 4 lb channel cat.
Yes I understand the servings situation yada yada. I do not indulge in eating that much fish anyway. I live five minutes from where the pictures in your original post are. I fish that area all the time and still do. I enjoy catching them also and believe in doing it for fun and enjoyment.

Cheers..... keep catching them. All the best.
Regardless of where the perch are caught, they dont have much fat on them, very lean, would be the safest thing to eat out of Lake O anyway...

Sounds like Beernut takes his fair share of perch though, wherever he is fishing, must eat perch 12 times a month to avoid over limiting

Actualy Quinner quite the opposite. I have a lot of elderly people I know that love fish, and can't get out anymore. Therefore I catch, clean and bring these people fish whenever I can.
Although during the big spring runs I do eat perch 2-3 times a week when the catching is good!!!
Plus..its crazy easy to sit down and eat a few pounds of "fish crack" ,as I call perch, in a sitting. Just eating a meal of those "toxic" perch right now and WOW do they taste great!!!
Honestly can't tell the difference in taste between them and Erie perch.
Oh ya...the perch are burping up gobies and of all things....SEA FLEAS!!!!! Stomachs are jammed full of sea fleas!!!
Best poster i wish winter perch from lpb were as thick as these pigs...i know deeper waters of lake Erie in the spring produce hogs...i.e.port stanley,port dover ,port bruce,burwell...but why not long point bay,i know the spring time is different but why?
Theres lots of fish in lpb but not good sized perch...why is the rest of Erie full of hogs and not lpb and ...
In the summer and winter why doesnt long point bay produce thick fat perch...over net fishing,too much boat motor noise..over netting?
Don't give up on LPB too quickly Johny2. Though the offshore perch size can be amazing, I have seen schools of jumbos under the ice in LPB (10"-13"). The last several years I've not seen any numbers of large ones under my hut. When they do show up it is quite amazing to see and catch'em. Hopefully with some good ice and clear water we will see some schools this year! :)
Quinner01 is just me or do you have a problem with everone who catches fish and keep them to eat? Some enjoy catching but some enjoy eating what they catch. Great job Beernut enjoy your catch!

The meaning of life? FISHING!!!
Nice catch Beernut---surprised that area not iced over

Originally posted by BobV

Quinner01 is just me or do you have a problem with everone who catches fish and keep them to eat?

what he said
went to m bay today fishing sucked but there were vans trucks and cars all over the ice what i cant figure out is why theres no reports on the old cut and st .willams jimmy HELP.CHECKEDYOUR ICE THICKNESS REPORT BUT IT WAS DATED JAN 7.forgot to shut the caps key off
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