Smallmouth in Nanticoke?


Well-Known Member
Was wondering if the warm water discharge is gonna be a good place for the opener? Has anyone been there lately? Would appreciate any input as I haven't been there in a while. Thanks
The plant is idling on one or two of the genertors. In past years it would be running full steam this time of year.

As a result the low power production does two things. It reduces the water discharge quantity having only a couple units running. The power production also decreases the temperature of the discharge.

Wait for a week of 30+ degree days. The A/C units will be on the the plant will have to ramp up production. This will ulimatly lead to warm outflow water and hopeful a return of one of the best bass fishing spots I have ever been to.

You could also try the numerous humps that are in the area.

Just a suggestion.

Look at the stacks (chimneys). If there is a plume at all there will be heat added to the outfall water!

Thanks for the replies everyone. I figured it wouldn't be the same as it used to be. Too bad and yeah maybe I can try a gravel hump around there instead. As far as where to launch I think the marina closest to it is called Hoovers Marina, really close to the plant.
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