SM Bass - North Shore - Friday, August 12th

Duck Soup

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
I took out my wife Maria this morning. She likes fishing for SM Bass, close to home, when the weather is close to perfect. Well it worked out because the weather was great and the fish were biting. We started off near Port Ryerse after 9:00 am and were done by 10:30. 12 SM Bass between 3/4 and 2-1/2 pounds plus a big perch, all on Rapalas.
Nice going always a great day when everyone is happy.One question Duck,I want to take my kids and wife out tomorrow and im not sure weather to keep any for dinner.Are they full of worms this time of year or are we o.k. to keep some.thanks john.:):)
erie feeln, I've never had a worm problem with SM Bass in Lake Erie. We kept 2 smaller fish for supper today and they were excellent. I find that so long as they are caught in cool water (smallies usually are)and you eat them fresh (not frozen), they are fine. When caught in cold water early in the season I find that they are exceptionally good to eat. I've never heard anyone who likes fish say anything even close to negative about about fresh Lake Erie Bass prepared by someone who knows how to do fish.
Originally posted by erie feeln

Nice going always a great day when everyone is happy.One question Duck,I want to take my kids and wife out tomorrow and im not sure weather to keep any for dinner.Are they full of worms this time of year or are we o.k. to keep some.thanks john.:):)

thanks duck will find them tomorrow.might have to throw you a couple of rabbits this season seeing you havent had some in a while.remembered that from old post lol. john.cheers.:D
For the erie smallmouth if you filet them and take off the skin make sure to trim the little lines of fat that are along the back and the belly of the fish. That's where the oils are stored and gives the fishy taste. People I serve bass to can't tell the difference between the Erie SM and perch.
nice catch, i was going to rent a boat and go for some smallies but the weather wasn't cooperating maybe i can get some next weekend, does anybody use tube jigs in the bay, or what else do the smallies like in lpb
The Inner Bay probably no longer holds many Small Mouth because the water is pretty warm. Your chances are now better fishing the shorelines beyond the Inner Bay. Locating schools of bass is your next challenge and that is usually best done by trolling. Once you have located feeding fish throw out a marker and fish any way you like. They will soon let you know what works and what doesn't. Try 15 fow to start. They were relating to the outside edge of weed beds on Friday.
Originally posted by aknelsen

nice catch, i was going to rent a boat and go for some smallies but the weather wasn't cooperating maybe i can get some next weekend, does anybody use tube jigs in the bay, or what else do the smallies like in lpb

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