Sea Foam

Yeah, I was there yesterday to get some glue and on the way to the cash register ran into the display. I grabbed several to stock up on for that price of $9.97. 👍
Napa’s every day price never changes and is always cheaper
Remember one thing about Seafoam- It's more of a Cleaner- NOT a fuel-stabilizer! Do not use it for long-term storage. It has alcohol in it and this just adds more fuel to the fire! With the increasing amounts of Ethanol in our higher-octane fuels Seafoam does squat to combat Ethanol. All your doing is adding more Alcohol to the Alcohol in the Ethanol/ Blended fuels. Not good! Look up the MSDS- Sheets for Seafoam and you shall see. If I may suggest- using Stabil- Marine Fuel Stabilizer for all your marine engines and especially for Long-Term storage. Hope this helps.
Or buy your fuel at a Marina where it is guaranteed Marine Fuel and contains no ethanol, for a few bucks more.
I find ethanol has two major faults; it sucks up moisture like a sponge and it shellacs anything it comes in contact with hence I use SeaFoam to keep things clean but I only have 5 gallon tanks to worry about and it's an easy rule to follow, keep them Full or bone dry empty. I've used last years gas without a stabilizer in it (just Seafoam) and it burned fine mind you the tank was full and stored indoors. Not to poo-poo gas stabilizers as I'm sure due to their chemical make up they work their magic differently. Our biggest enemy is condensation.
Justin has his hands on our marine fuel too.

“the Cleaner Transportation Fuels regulation requires that fuel suppliers blend 10% of renewable content in gasoline from 2020 to 2024. The renewable content requirement increases to 11% in 2025, 13% in 2028, and 15% in 2030 and onwards for all fuels including marine and logistics”

Oh! Let’s not forget the carbon tax on every litre. The carbon tax does not discriminate…

Oh, and from 2 marinas on Erie who say there “ethanol free”… pour yourself a few shots… take it home and add water. It separates from 5-15 percent. And we pay more

Better save up for new injectors….
Apparently a product called "Star Tron" does a great job as a fuel stabilizer. I've used Sea Foam in the past with good results as well but apparently Star Tron is better. Just my thoughts....
Apparently a product called "Star Tron" does a great job as a fuel stabilizer. I've used Sea Foam in the past with good results as well but apparently Star Tron is better. Just my thoughts....
Brian F. you are so right about Star Tron. Made by Starbrite and is an excellent fuel- stabilizer.
@walleyeman apparently if breaks down any water content into microscopic amounts that can easily pass through the engine.

My boat has a Honda 150HP on it and the fuel goes through a fuel/water filter. I think we all better start carrying extra filters in our boats for our motors as they will be clogging up more now with all the ethanol in the fuel.

The wife and I enjoyed a paddle in one night a few years ago as the 150 just sputtered and shut down and would not start. The marina that looked at the boat said the motor is fine but our filter was filled with water! Thankfully we were not to far away from our dock.

I never leave the shore now without extra filters and the tools to change them!
Hey there @Brian F ! Is your boat's gas tank built in ? I hear/read a lot of onboard tanks have that condensation problem due to being out in the elements and not being full of fuel.
Hi @Old Cut LongPointer my tank is built in. The boat is also out in the elements. This will be changing soon as I am just about done constructing a 1800 sq foot shop with a heated floor. I'm also guilty on not filling the tank as well....did not want a tank full if old gas come spring. Thanks for your comments....
I new to Seafoam, second season using in my 2022 - 30hp Tohatsu. I picked up a couple more cans the other day. I've used various 'stablizers' in other 2-stroke outboards over the years.

Information I'm reading on the Seafoam can is different that the comments I'm reading above.
- "Control moisture in fuels." - on front/centre of the can
- "Seafoam works to stabilize stored fuel for up to 2 years." - on the back of the can

I store my portable outboard tanks, disconnected from motor, under cover with the vent valve closed so there no exchange of air & moisture. The only time the vent is open is when the engine is running.
Sale is now done but manager of store said to watch the flyers as it's usually on sale like this every 3 weeks or so. Great price at $9.97 however!