Rondeau Bay is Bass haven


Well-Known Member
Well if you are interested Thursday we hooked into 10 nice Largemouth, Friday well How about 50, some in the 19 inch 4 pound range, One of the best evening Bass fishing ever for me and the wife. sat windy, only about 19, But 2 nice 19 and 19.5 inches. Lots of Fun to be had.
Fish to the shoreline with a rubber worm it is deadly
I will be there aswell from Thursday to sunday, will be in the green lund.
Went Wednesday got well over 50 between 3 and 10pm. Boated two 5lb, 4 4lb and many 2-3.5lb fish. Can't even really remember a small one. Fished through one long downpour and spent another one in the truck waiting for the lightning to pass. Probably would have fished longer, but the dusk mosquito bonanza had us running back to the ramp.
SHHHHHHHHH. What's wrong with you guys for Heavens sakes. Before you know it all the meat hunters (me) will be Bass fishing

Not a fish story, just this afternoon a pal stopped by with his grand daughter. She saw all my rods on the deck and asked if she could go fishing, 12:00 high noon. Yea right, what can there be here in July, 15' from shore? We set her up with a 5 foot perch rod, put a float on and I dig up a worm in the garden. Good luck Kid, there aren't fish here but I don't tell her. Doesn't that float dive after 10 minutes and she brings in a 14" Greenie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then another, then a Rock Bass. Right below all the algae. I think I'll take her out for Walleye. It was a blast. Where's the phone when you need it, used to be the camera.

Johnny D