Rod Exchange


Active Member
Hey folks,

I have a rod I purchased not long ago at Joslins in Woodstock and broke the tip today. The rod is a Quantum. Do you know his exchange policy? I thought it was $10 over the counter?

I do not have my receipt not sure if this matters.

I had a Quantum Energy rod replaced a few years ago at Joslin's for $10. plus tax with no receipt. The factory rep was at the London fishing show in Feb. and said Quantum will no longer honour their lifetime guarantee on their fishing rods. He said Quantum will replace a broken rod once and only once.
Any manufacturer that will not stand behind their guarantee will not get my support. Quantum is one of these.
Let us know how you make out. Maybe Angling Outfitters will honour the rod exchange to keep your business. They are an excellent retailer and look after their customers very well.
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