Rice Lake


New Member
heading up to Rice Lake for the first time next weekend, any info or tips would be greatfully appreciated
i know what the smallmouth and the largies like but they are not in season so i'm guessing you will be targeting walleye, perch or crappie? 3 years ago when i was at rice lake a couple of guys would go to the north and south side of sugar island and get their limit on crappie using minnows,and for the walleye we only caught one and it was on the north side of white island drifting with spinnerbaits tipped with powerbait leeches, some people were telling us to use red and white plastic jigs or black and silver crankbaits. heres a website on rice lake
www.ricelakeinfo.com hope that helps
hey, if you're looking for walleye, try crankbaits on weedlines, perch is a good colour, or ripping a hair jig through the weed pockets. on really sunny days, try fishing the channel at the old railway line. twister tails tipped with worm are great. AND A BIG WARNING, USE THE MARKED CHANNEL IF CROSSING THE OLD RAILWAY BED! SEVERAL BOATS LOSE THEIR BOTTOMS EVERY YEAR ON IT!!! GL!
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