Rear Cleat


Well-Known Member
I have a 16 ft aluminium boat and Have made a rope ladder with wooden steps that I was planning on hanging off the rear corner cleat do you think it will hold up?? ( the cleat that is) I had bought a metal one and didnt like the way it fit and would have got in the way of the motor. I like the rope laddder because it stores in the side compartment easily.

A bad days fishing better than good days work.
A stowable ladder....good idea...personally I would brace the corner of the boat under the cleat,as it's going to see a lot of stress when used
tried this once and it is a pain in the a$$ to get in I ended up getting a real ladder that attached to the stern and top of the boat. if you are looking for a similar idea the folding pool ladders I have seen people use seem ok if you have the room for that just hang it over the side and a way you go. just my 2 cents. as when I tried it did not work so well. but I am a mere 270 lbs. could have been the problem who knows.

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
Awesome thanks yeah the wife likes to hop in once and a while and i had a real hard time lifting her up over the transom. Yeah that corner cleat is attached to a corner block. I guess ill try it and keep an eye on for stress.

A bad days fishing better than good days work.
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