Rapalas, Worm Harnesses& Erie Dearies


Well-Known Member
Last year we had a 12 foot Harbour Craft with a 6HP evenrude on it and life was good. Then I went to a Jimmy Rggins walleye seminar and now we have a 20 foot Lund with a 200 hp and a 8 hp Yamie
We got planer boards, dipseys, we got wire line we got lead core, we got GPS and Sonar we got a box full of rapalas, worn harnesses and erie dearies, but we don`t got FISH, except sheephead we have lots of sheephead. Now on channel 68 all I hear about are greasey chickens, monkey puke and leepin freekin lizzards and such. Do the fish in Erie not know about Canadian wigglers, rapalas or worn harnesses??? I`m afraid to spend any more money on lures or I`ll be sleeping in the barn in my new boat, eating sheepheads. Is anyone catching eyes or bows on old fashion bait ????
funny post, well not funny for you but funny all the same!
harnesses worked for us last year, started off with a few earlier this year but then died right off. Guys fishing faster to get rid of some of the sheepies so the spoons are definatley working good. body baits back 150 to 200 long line are working so good news for some of your rapalas! Remember the fish are high up right now but thermocline is starting to get lower so not sure how long they will stay up there.
you can't go wrong with spoons that have copper backs or copper colour showing through on the top. half dozen spoons could carry you through the season. I like wonderbread copper back by KO greasy chicken, monkey pukes, nascar for sure is good, watermelon, death wish, magic man and the one silver that has been awesome for us this year is the fishlander blue easter egg. Pink panties been working well for guys too.
My best body baits so far have been the tail dancer and ripplin red fins.
Good luck
Yeah dont leave home without them---pink panties that is:P

Cracks me up (ROFLMFAO) everytime I read some of the names of spoons being used these days---dont know if they're referring to lures or what they brought for lunch:D

BTW wonder why nobody has come up with one called banana split???8D

Well when all else fails drop a dewie or a minnow overboard.. nothing beats the Real McCoy:D

I think the lure makers design them to attract fishermen rather than fish ;)
When I keep getting sheephead I speed up and if that does work, move to a new location.

Brian (Legend Man)
Funny thing for me is that 90% my fish have come off of silver worm harnesses and only 10% on the spoons. I have run one each on dipsys several times out this summer and have had the best luck using worm harnesses.
The most important thing is dragging whatever your using past fish. I've caught them this year on redfins, bomber long A's, worm harness and all the popular spoon colours. We all have our favourites and that's what we run. Having confidence in your presentation comes with time on the water. Keep at it and you'll have those great days too!
Originally posted by onmedic

funny post, well not funny for you but funny all the same!
harnesses worked for us last year, started off with a few earlier this year but then died right off. Guys fishing faster to get rid of some of the sheepies so the spoons are definatley working good. body baits back 150 to 200 long line are working so good news for some of your rapalas! Remember the fish are high up right now but thermocline is starting to get lower so not sure how long they will stay up there.
you can't go wrong with spoons that have copper backs or copper colour showing through on the top. half dozen spoons could carry you through the season. I like wonderbread copper back by KO greasy chicken, monkey pukes, nascar for sure is good, watermelon, death wish, magic man and the one silver that has been awesome for us this year is the fishlander blue easter egg. Pink panties been working well for guys too.
My best body baits so far have been the tail dancer and ripplin red fins.
Good luck

last times out from burwell pink spoons caught all the bows and we use chatruce worm harnesses aas well as hot pink we run 4 dipseys on the boat two outside one have a spoon and harness and the opp> of the outside on the inside seem to work for us I have a really large inline swivel so that the wormhraness does not tangle up the line and speed is between 2.3 and 2.7 on the gps. hope this helps you catch more fish.

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
How long do you go out? Are you just going out for a few hours or are you brining a cooler with WATER, sandwiches and snacks because you are going out and fishing long and hard.

I can tell you this, the winner of the SLA tournament (in Port Bruce yesterday) was arriving in the port at 2:50 and was the last boat in, they were still fishing while other guys were at the dock talking about how tough the bite was. Coincidence?

Get the fundamentals, find what works for you, then fish like it's the last fishing trip of your life!
bigdog you have to decide what you want to run before you leave the dock worm harnesses are very effective but you shouldn't run them with spoons 1.4 to 2.0 mph for harnesses to work properly but you can run some body baits at this speed the spoon bite has been between 2.5 and 3.5 mph. speed change and direction is just as important as what your using and what colours.
Thanks to all of you who took the time to help a rookie out.

You have saved me hours of learning by trial and error, not to mention gallons of gas.

If you really want to fast track the learning curve your best bet is to go out with Walleye Obsession or Jimmy Riggin' again. Now that you have some experience you will be able to better understand what they are doing and why they are doing it.
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