Rainbow Trout in Long Point Bay

Duck Soup

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Read this article in the Simcoe Reformer. The state of your fishery is open to public scrutiny. If you ever wanted the opportunity to have a voice on this issue, this is it. Tell the MNR and your Norfolk Councillor what you think.

Sounds like you are dealing with some uneducated people. There reasoning towards any of your arguments makes no sense whatsoever.

[}:)]the fish are there , arnold , you just have to make less noise to catch em,as far as reasoning goes think out side the box ,the spawn habits have changed some day i will let you in on the new habits of these fish.,but mabey your good friend piggy will help you ,, arnold im pulling your leg its a joke ,,[:o)]i had a fab fall fishing season from caledonia,, to the inner bay i personaly released 200 small trout over the fall ,,fishing days ..none were hurt as they were caqught in shallow waters and big river called the grand i do tons of fishing every day and am sucessfull an some days i come away skunked and im still happy that im, able to be free and do this thanks to people like my grandson who is a service member and my grand daughter who did a tour of the eastern war zone so arnold pucker up better days ahead and the silver lake deal what about acess to the lynn // private property holders wouldnt be to happy about trespassers woul;d they as it is i have a limited acess to that river for the browns/ but with // permission i fish away oh arnold did you know at one time the lynn river was the most renowned brown trout stream in canada yes arnold it was still has plenty there to catch and release../ happy fishing arnold8 /// i do haqve a good time at it/// fisherman///[:o)]
Originally posted by fisherman

[}:)]the fish are there , arnold , you just have to make less noise to catch em,as far as reasoning goes think out side the box ,the spawn habits have changed some day i will let you in on the new habits of these fish.,but mabey your good friend piggy will help you ,, arnold im pulling your leg its a joke ,,[:o)]i had a fab fall fishing season from caledonia,, to the inner bay i personaly released 200 small trout over the fall ,,fishing days ..none were hurt as they were caqught in shallow waters and big river called the grand i do tons of fishing every day and am sucessfull an some days i come away skunked and im still happy that im, able to be free and do this thanks to people like my grandson who is a service member and my grand daughter who did a tour of the eastern war zone so arnold pucker up better days ahead and the silver lake deal what about acess to the lynn // private property holders wouldnt be to happy about trespassers woul;d they as it is i have a limited acess to that river for the browns/ but with // permission i fish away oh arnold did you know at one time the lynn river was the most renowned brown trout stream in canada yes arnold it was still has plenty there to catch and release../ happy fishing arnold8 /// i do haqve a good time at it/// fisherman///[:o)]

Fisherman. With all due respect, when you respond to a post would you please use spell and grammar check that comes with Microsoft Word so we can all understand what you are trying to say. I'm not sure if you are trying to disrespect a valued member of this board or add some valuable information to the topic? I'm not trying to take a jab at you since we have never met. I'm just trying to understand what you are trying to add to this topic.



As the Sun breaks above the ground
An old man stands on the hill
As the ground warms to the first rays of light
A birdsong shatters the still

His eyes are ablaze
See the madman in his gaze
Arnie. I can understand your frustration with your words being manipulated by the media on the very hot topic of ridding the Lynne of an unnecessary dam. My feelings are that the author of the article has their own agenda and was trying to discredit a very knowledgeable and respected LPB angler.



As the Sun breaks above the ground
An old man stands on the hill
As the ground warms to the first rays of light
A birdsong shatters the still

His eyes are ablaze
See the madman in his gaze
I haven't been following this issue closely (and maybe I should keep it that way), but is the LPBAA siding with those who want to keep the dam? The content posted on the LPBAA site and the apparent lack of support for Duck Soup's statements would lead one to think so. I can't see how taking such a stance would go towards supporting the Association's mission to "promote and protect the sport fishery of Long Point Bay". Maybe Lynn River carp are what Long Point sport anglers should be going for these days?
8Dowhhhhoooo verly verly sorlly me english not to goodish didnt mean to step on the lords of lake eries toes ffs lill pun never hurt any one ?????oh mabey here cya have good days men8
Originally posted by fisherman

8Dowhhhhoooo verly verly sorlly me english not to goodish didnt mean to step on the lords of lake eries toes ffs lill pun never hurt any one ?????oh mabey here cya have good days men8

I think Fisherman has been eating to many paint chips and drinking way to much gasoline!! I am strong supporter of restoring the lynn, its to bad there are so many bone heads like this that want to keep Silver Lake the way it is.

Justin Walsh
Originally posted by stomp

I haven't been following this issue closely (and maybe I should keep it that way), but is the LPBAA siding with those who want to keep the dam? The content posted on the LPBAA site and the apparent lack of support for Duck Soup's statements would lead one to think so. I can't see how taking such a stance would go towards supporting the Association's mission to "promote and protect the sport fishery of Long Point Bay". Maybe Lynn River carp are what Long Point sport anglers should be going for these days?

To me, the article doesn't say anything about the dam beyond DS's comment; it just says that the LPBAA hasn't taken an official stance on the subject. I'll give DS some credit and say that the reformer prints a lot of bad info, especially monte, but all i can see this article highlighting is that one person spoke on behalf of an entire group without the authority to do so (for the second time this year). It's very important to have an opinion on these things, but the opinions have to be delivered appropriately, and with the appropriate authority...
Is there any chance we could review the letter sent to see what the fuss was about?

Paul Meisenheimer
I had to read that article again, it sounds like the LPBAA is distancing itself from the comments made by Arnie by siding (nuanced)with the MNR statements that the rainbow trout fishery is holding its own. This is the same MNR that has decided years ago to not stock anymore RB trout in Lake Erie and play the hope and pray game that US fish come over for the excellent exchange rate on the dollar. In other words, the LPBAA has no stance at this time.

LPBAA does need to step in here with a definite stance on this subject, that is supposed to be their mandate. Being "unaware" his group, the LPBAA of which Rakoczki is the president, "has taken a position" is a bit ridiculous. What are you guys doing? Getting the holy grail of "not for profit corporation" charter is really nice for you, and the 2006 award for fisheries promotion for the Live Release boat was pretty cool, but guys!!! what what else are you guys doing?

I would say my membership at this time is in limbo, awaiting some positive news that the LPBAA is actually doing what i thought it was mandated to do, protect the sport fishery in Long Poiint Bay, of which this discussion of the Misners Dam is one of the more important topics in a few years that impacts this fishery.

Is the LPBAA just a business now, doing business stuff for self promotion and no longer a bunch of guys who care, love and will fight for the fishery of Long Point Bay? I'm saying that because that is how it started, a passionate group dedicated to fishery preservation. What happened along the way?

can someone get the ofah and lbaa in on this we have the resources and the members, let 'em have it,we have the guns and the ammo.

fishing,for some a hobby, for most an addiction
and wtf do carp do good? we need trout in that stream, better fishing in simcoe, more opportunities for young anglers, the old lynn needs a fix, screw silver lake and its sediment bottom, what is misners doing, providing a lake for rowers? is that who we are fighting?

fishing,for some a hobby, for most an addiction
My question is,is the bow fishing as bad as some have made it out to be?For a few years we heard and read complaints of poor walleye but good bow fishing in LPB.The last two years fishermen gravitated to Pts. Bruce and Burwell because of the walleye success rates there.Also adding to frustrations in LPB is the number of sheepshead overwhelming fishermen.Last summer there really wasn't many reports for LPB because it seemed like most people went to Bruce and Burwell.So did people just assume the the bow fishing was gone just because of a general lack of interest in fishing LPB?I personally do not know anyone who tried the outer bay and only read a few reports on here of people who did try it.I for one followed the exodus westward just for the fact if I'm going to spend a day on the water and the gas to run the boat,I want the trip and time spent worth while(sheepshead aren't worthwhile lol).Just my two cents.
Good points. I tried the outer bay 3 or 4 times this year. Minimal success. We did manage a bow. I too jumped on the Burwell and Bruce bandwagon.

I don’t know the official status of the outer bay rainbow fishery; I know enough to say it’s not what it was when I was fishing with my dad 10 years ago out there. In know way do I think this is attributed to Misners Dam. It could be several different factors influencing decline (if that’s the case). However, the real point is, from an ecological stand point and common sense; I do know that allowing the river to regain its natural state has far greater value, from several standpoints (namely ecological and economical) than a derelict dam.

I will tell you one thing though! Rick Misner has no business whatsoever trying to determine what information is credible nor should he be rambling about correlating angling success and fish populations.

If the Reformer wanted an opinion, why not contact the 2 biologists (former MNR and DFO) from the free the lynn group? Who might actually know a thing or two about our local rainbow fishery? Or, let’s quote some guy from a kids rowing club, who has nothing behind his name and wouldn’t know the difference between a Steelie and an Asian Carp - let’s quote Rick Misner! He thinks the fishery is doing well because he remembered how many of those golden brown “Rainbows” were frolicking around in silver lake before they dropped the dam!

LPRCA has certainly taken a quiet stance too. There is no way they are in favour of repair. They have some great individuals who have done some pretty awesome things with the Lynn watershed. They need to get vocal and take a side instead of this middle man role. I know they have been involved heavily, for whatever reason wont publicize there position.

I encourage all members of this site to go down to the former silver lake, and go see what’s transformed. It’s incredible.
All;Just want to inform everyone thats concerned with this issue that there is a bit more to the story then you can "read" in the recent Simcoe paper.
I recieved a call at home from one of the reporters from the paper asking about the rainbow trout fishery in LPB. I explained to him that I didn't have any offical studies or reports on the "latest" catch information on the status of the trout in LPB we would get that from the MNR along with any other info on other species.
I also told him that the small number of Offshore Charter boats that make LP there home port may also be an indication of the fishery, versus say Burwell and Bruce.

He came back to then ask me then why has the LPBAA "declared" LPB dead as far as Rainbows were concerned?
At this point I'm confused, I asked him what he was referring to and he told me of a letter that the LPBAA had sent out declaring LPB dead as far as rainbows were concerned....
At this point, I explained I knew of no such letter, but in the Dec 2010 Baywatch edition our resident year end author DS, reported that again "U.S.stock failed to make an appearance and the home grown stock is inadequate". Base on his own fishing experinces
This is not news folks, for those that have followed DS's year end reports he has been ringing the alarm on the trout issue in his reports for most of this decade if memory serves me.

At no time did the reporter ask about the dam issue nor the LPBAA stance on this political football, just to let everyone know too at the last LPBAA directors meeting it was agreed across the board
that the LPBAA would back the removal of the dam to allow the Lynn to return to its natural state. I have tried to post every item that I read about the status of the meetings/updatesand issues surrounding this project on the news items on lpbaa.ca for everyone to read and to be informed, this is also an agenda item for the AGM in April 2011.
For those that suggest the the LPBAA is backing away on this issue, I can assure you we are not, I want to meet with Dr. Bowyer from the Simcoe Fish and Game Club (they have been running with this issue in the media too) to find out where they are heading and where the LPBAA can help out in the cause.
And before I forget, someones comment that myself or the LPBAA "abandoned" DS in comments...not so at all unfortunately I didn't know about DS's letter I thought this reporter was fishing for a story trying to coherse me into some juicy tit bit for his story,I have too much respect for DS to do anything of the sort, I can assure you.

One last item...just want to let the indivdual know that asked the question below, the "guys who care" are still here...and I personally welcome anyone that would like to become "guys that care" also,just shoot me an email or call me (519)842-0025 we can use all the "care" that we can find....8D
"Is the LPBAA just a business now, doing business stuff for self promotion and no longer a bunch of guys who care, love and will fight for the fishery of Long Point Bay? I'm saying that because that is how it started, a passionate group dedicated to fishery preservation. What happened along the way?"

Sorry for the long winded note, I don't join in very often, but was given a heads up that maybe this was a good time that I should, not only to give you the real story but more importantly to lend DS the support he deserves.
Don't be surprized if you guys are called upon to do something to help out in the dam issue....more news to come

John Rakoczi

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