All;Just want to inform everyone thats concerned with this issue that there is a bit more to the story then you can "read" in the recent Simcoe paper.
I recieved a call at home from one of the reporters from the paper asking about the rainbow trout fishery in LPB. I explained to him that I didn't have any offical studies or reports on the "latest" catch information on the status of the trout in LPB we would get that from the MNR along with any other info on other species.
I also told him that the small number of Offshore Charter boats that make LP there home port may also be an indication of the fishery, versus say Burwell and Bruce.
He came back to then ask me then why has the LPBAA "declared" LPB dead as far as Rainbows were concerned?
At this point I'm confused, I asked him what he was referring to and he told me of a letter that the LPBAA had sent out declaring LPB dead as far as rainbows were concerned....
At this point, I explained I knew of no such letter, but in the Dec 2010 Baywatch edition our resident year end author DS, reported that again "U.S.stock failed to make an appearance and the home grown stock is inadequate". Base on his own fishing experinces
This is not news folks, for those that have followed DS's year end reports he has been ringing the alarm on the trout issue in his reports for most of this decade if memory serves me.
At no time did the reporter ask about the dam issue nor the LPBAA stance on this political football, just to let everyone know too at the last LPBAA directors meeting it was agreed across the board
that the LPBAA would back the removal of the dam to allow the Lynn to return to its natural state. I have tried to post every item that I read about the status of the meetings/updatesand issues surrounding this project on the news items on for everyone to read and to be informed, this is also an agenda item for the AGM in April 2011.
For those that suggest the the LPBAA is backing away on this issue, I can assure you we are not, I want to meet with Dr. Bowyer from the Simcoe Fish and Game Club (they have been running with this issue in the media too) to find out where they are heading and where the LPBAA can help out in the cause.
And before I forget, someones comment that myself or the LPBAA "abandoned" DS in comments...not so at all unfortunately I didn't know about DS's letter I thought this reporter was fishing for a story trying to coherse me into some juicy tit bit for his story,I have too much respect for DS to do anything of the sort, I can assure you.
One last item...just want to let the indivdual know that asked the question below, the "guys who care" are still here...and I personally welcome anyone that would like to become "guys that care" also,just shoot me an email or call me (519)842-0025 we can use all the "care" that we can find....8D
"Is the LPBAA just a business now, doing business stuff for self promotion and no longer a bunch of guys who care, love and will fight for the fishery of Long Point Bay? I'm saying that because that is how it started, a passionate group dedicated to fishery preservation. What happened along the way?"
Sorry for the long winded note, I don't join in very often, but was given a heads up that maybe this was a good time that I should, not only to give you the real story but more importantly to lend DS the support he deserves.
Don't be surprized if you guys are called upon to do something to help out in the dam issue....more news to come
John Rakoczi