Pt Maitland Perch

Quinte Man

The Perch are in at Maitland. 2 of us fished for 2.5 hours and took 27 keepers home. Most were between 9-11 inches, the 4 biggest were 12-12.5 inches. After the storm went through, we relaunched but the perch were in NO HIT MODE. I'm off all next week, so I will be going back for sure. As the saying goes around here, dead stick/pickerel rig Good Luck

Teach a kid how to fish
No, we were in 17 fow right in front of the red light house
Went yesterday and had to work to get 10
Going to check it out again after I drop the kid off at school, hope it picks up again.

Teach a kid how to fish
Anybody on the pier catching them? The sheepies are usually in there thick this time of year. Been ages since I've gotten perch off the pier down there.:)
Went there again on Sunday and Monday.
Sunday we only fished for 2.5 hours and only got 11 keepers. 13" was the biggest
Monday fished from 1030am till 4 pm and managed about 20 keepers, 12" was the biggest. We fished hard all day for them, beautiful day on the water.
No sheephead at all, surprisingly enough.

Teach a kid how to fish
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