Walleye Obsession
Well-Known Member
First 2 charters of the year started off not too bad. After pre fishing last sunday with a buddy it took about 4 hours to find some real good big perch we boated 80 in an hour. Saturday morning we hit the waypoints @ 7:30 and the bite was on real good thought we were gonna fill the cooler until 10:45 when the VHF antenna started to buzz from all the lightning I decided it was time to get off the water we ended up with 122 big piggies. Sunday morning we rolled back on the spot and the warm water was gone and it looked like chocolate milk and the bite was gone, so we went on the search 30 ,40 ,50 feet of water and nothing then I got a tip from a friend and ended up in 30 feet of water in front of the silver barn east of Burwell a long run but we put 101 nice ones in the cooler,so not a bad start to hopefully a great fishing season. sorry no pics have to figure out how to get them from my blackberry to my dinosaur computer or this website.
Jeff Sherman
Jeff Sherman