Pt.Bruce July19-20


Well-Known Member
Well went out both evenings from 6pm -9pm and ended up with 33 perch the 1st night and 31 perch last night all 9"and up with afew hogs(we try to throw back any under 9" if they don't blow a lung) fishing was the best from 7:30 and on both nights . We went out a little SE of port into 40fow ,surface temp. was 78 . We lost are anchor the 1st night so drift fished till friends showed up and tied to there boat ,50 bucks at crappy tire for new anchor and we were set for the 2nd night .Sorry I did forget the camera but couldn't have a report without a picture so we'll call this the freezer baggy shot :D :P........................apps

Ah yes---the ol freezer baggy shot:D

Some nice meals there for sure.

Was anybody on the pier as you went out----asked a local about the night bite---was sorta iffy----nothing like the early morning bite.

Hey packrat.........there are 20 of them tasty fellows that were camera shy , they were hidden in the sink for tonite supper if we can hold out that long we still have to make it through the lunch hour lol !! There was lots of room on the pier not sure if the perch are out because of the heat or the fisher people are in the a/c because of the heat, not sure if they were even catching anything.............apps
Thanks apps---the crowd sure hasnt been there this year even tho some good catches were being made. Last year you had to "fight" to get near some of the fav spots.

Apps - I see you leave the skin on - obviously you prefer eating them that way. How do you go about scaling them ? and what do you do to contain the mess (scales flying all over the place) ? thx
Hey Rob V.................I do think they taste abit sweeter with the skin on , as for scaling them we use a board with 6 beer caps screwed onto it and scrub the fish with it , the mess isn't to bad but there is the odd scale flying around...............apps
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