Pt. Bruce July 8


Well-Known Member
Will not a bad on the water , started off 6am at North Erie Marina ,two huge scoops from Greg and off I we went . Headed east to 35 fow and caught a few , headed further east and out to 37 fow and hit a good run there , we then move back west and out to 40 fow and hit a bunch there as well . Bite was off and on but not consistant and the wind switch WNW and the bite stopped . My little bro and his friend and I ended up with 45 all over 9" and throw back double that many ,nice day to sit on the water and caught a few perch and share a few laughs...................apps



Good day on the water apps---was the pack still working the area??

hey packrat if you me the pier and beach and I think you do it was nonstop all mornning wife and I had some minnows donated to our bucket at 7;15 in the morn because he had his 50 we took home 34 fish.
Hey packrat yes we were about the 1st ones on the water and it wasn't long we were surronded that is one of the reason we moved the 1st time , then the "pack" kinda spread out ,I think guys were moving around to find the fish , I know we did !................apps
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