Pt.Bruce July 27


Well-Known Member
Hey All

What a day for perching ,3 of us headed out SW of port to 35 fow till we marked fished dropped the anchor and the bite was on ,ran out of minnow by 8:30am dropped a marker and headed back to North Erie for some more ,by noon we were out of minnows again ,came in a cleaned 71 all 9" and up . My wife came home from work and seen how well we did and wanted to go see if we could get into them again , so back to Pt. Bruce, another bunch of minnow and headed to the same spot as earlier, we caught 29 more 9" and up . Grand total of the day was 100 and we propley threw back 200 the bite was none stop drop your line and catch a fish .........................apps

The 1st trip to Bruce

The 2nd trip to Bruce
nice haul apps you need to work a 9 to 5 shift so i don't see you fishing while i am working. maybe we should have a fish fry in stead of a bbq? lol
Hey reeldrag...........sometimes working the weekend shift payes off like going out during the week when everyone is at work(very few boats on the water) and the ramp isn't so busy ,but the down fall is everyone is working when I want to go fishing(hard to find someone to go fishing with) so good and bad ,Waddy is on holidays this week so we got out for the day and it was non stop action. Yes we should do a fish fry I'm good with that , might have to go out a few more times in order to get enough fish for all you guys , but diffently have a good start on it ;) , I'll get ahold of the troops and see when its good for everyone let me know when a good time for you would be.....................apps
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