Pt. Bruce Aug 6th SLA walleye tourny


Well-Known Member
I took out the middle Daughter (Britty) and my pops out for some walleye action and entered the SLA walleye tourny

thinking we would have better luck then yesterday and since we brought in 3 good size walleye we figured we should hit 5 or mabe that total number of 6! 8D

Sadly it just wasn't our day for any numbers of fish.

Started out exactly the same as we did yesterday and bang got him nope lost him, then bang again and then once more two 6, 6.6 LBS walleye in the box by 7:30 am both off the riggers using purple spoons that Brit bought me for Christmas last year!
So this is a good start but I forgot to mention that on our way in yesterday Megan and I had both forgot that we had put the net (to get it out of the way) up on the bimminy top and neither of us pulled it off when we started to come in (%^*&%$$%$^)NO NET! hmmmmm
now what do we do.

We trolled on and hoisted each fish in the back of the boat difficult for sure but I was not going back through those waves to get a net.

As I said we thought we were getting into the fish and then it just stopped and the weather started to change! Thunderstorm started rolling out on the water from the north west and you could see the rain line so far so good no lighning I don't mind getting a little wet and as soon as those words left my mouth FLASH BOOM!

Pack it up and head in!

Needless to say 13.8 LBS of walleye wasn't going to get us the win but safety first.

Still a great time spent out this morning can't wait to do it again!

A few pics of the day!:D

pops with his granddaughter

the early morning just set up shot

this what you do when the fish don't cooperate

and the catch of the day shot

oh yes the thunder boomer moving in on us
OK ???? just where was/is the net????

Still you got a couple:D

Another ????---no pier shot????[:o)]

oh yes thanks

if any one finds a band new rubberized net floating around the Pt.Buce area could you please let me know.


and yes the pier shot coming in and yes in the rain!

now thats dedication:D

You still had a great day by the looks of it,a pic with 3 generations would have been kewl but hey someone has to run the camera.Glad you got out,it would beat being under my truck changing the universal joints.
Hey less you got some in the box before the storm hit , I fish out of Pt. Bruce as well so if I see a net boobing around I'll give a shout but might be like looking for a needle in a hay stack though , any word on who won the tourny , good luck, Son and I hope to be out tuesday morning if its not storming...................apps
Hey apps,

Thanks for keepin an eye but I think I would have to be a lot luckier than winning the loto if I or anyone eles ever did find that net! We were about 8 miles out so it's anyone guess.:D

When we left yesterday they still had about 15 boats to weigh in and it was just to hot to stand around and wait and at that time the highest was around the 39 lbs mark! So guys did well out there! :)

I'm sure there will be a post on here soon with the winners.
sounded (over the radio) like there was some confusion Saturday afternoon over weigh in times. hope they straightened that problem out.

I fished out of bruce Saturday - got a late start, fished thru the rain at noon and didn't hook into much until late afternoon - then mostly sheep and one rainbow. lost one good sized eye. any hints on the most productive depths and locations (east of bruce ?) lately ?
Results are up!
Hey Rob V,

yeah I heard that there was a little mix up with the time but it all got starightened out.

Yes east of Bruce was productive for us on Friday and Saturday we were almost straight south of Burwell on Friday and in the middle of Bruce and Burwell for Saturday.

We start trolling in about 55 FOW out to 64 FOW and rode against the waves for those 2 days. It was a little bumpy for sure. The fish were still high up and our riggers did best in the 25 to 35 ft range.

Things may change now that this weather has passed through!
Hope this helps!

B-N thanks for posting the results!

Congrats to the winners!:)
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