Pt Bruce Aug 17-18


Well-Known Member
Well we went out wednesday night left port around 6pm head S/E to 60fow set up and caught 2 picks and a bow ,both picks came off 8 colour leadcore with the bargin bin spoon and bow off the dipsy.

Next morning a good friend of little bro want to go(he never troll before and no HELP)so we headed to same spot as night before and before I even got the second pole in we had a bow on , lost it at the boat the new net man got so excited he let the fish get to close to the motor and prop cut the line(pink dipsy,snubberand watermellon spoon gone) didn't lose anymore gear after that but did box 3 picks and a bow and lost 4 bows at the back of the boat (new net man and boat driver)picks came off 7 leadcore and that stupid bargin bin spoon(not stupid spoon now BEST spoon) and bows hit everything we threw at them ,everything was working dpisys ,downrigger and leadcore. Long day on the lake was kinda like tring to fish by myself but he will never know anything if he isn't taught .Sorry no pics to late wed. nite and when we got in yesterday the storm was coming so want to get the fish cleaned before I got wet and it was supper time and 1 of them walley was on the menu :pGood luck out there this weekend I'll be working thinking about fishing.......................apps
Well you're getting lots of action/experience apps----good on you for teaching the youngsters some of the ropes.

Now go to work for a change willya:D:D

Hey are right we have had a good week on the lake 3 trips out and back safely ,15 wallys ,2 bows and lost 6 bows a guy can't complain about that :):D !!....................apps