I have a question about private property, where can I look for an answer? I dont think the CO's would really have an idea, would it be the police then?
It stems from fishing the mouth of a creek, where I was in the water. I accessed the beach area publicly (dead end road and no one owned the strip of land leading to the beach, as well as getting landowner permission to get down to the beach area from the road) but then had to cross an area of the beach that was "private" (or so I am told by another land owner) to get to the mouth to fish. Is every inch of beach or sand on the shores of lake erie owned by someone, if its not a public beach? I can walk the edge of the water along the beach then? I couldnt do that this case, as there was ice, so I was walking on the ice. Maybe there is a high water line to walk, like the rivers have? just as long as you dont access the property by crossing over private property? Just curious really.
It stems from fishing the mouth of a creek, where I was in the water. I accessed the beach area publicly (dead end road and no one owned the strip of land leading to the beach, as well as getting landowner permission to get down to the beach area from the road) but then had to cross an area of the beach that was "private" (or so I am told by another land owner) to get to the mouth to fish. Is every inch of beach or sand on the shores of lake erie owned by someone, if its not a public beach? I can walk the edge of the water along the beach then? I couldnt do that this case, as there was ice, so I was walking on the ice. Maybe there is a high water line to walk, like the rivers have? just as long as you dont access the property by crossing over private property? Just curious really.