Pottohawk Perchin' -- (June 6)---> June 18


Well-Known Member
Just had to try out the new perchin' pole that I bought from Jimmy, so after a stop at Ray Ferris's for some minnows, Sandi and I headed for Pottohawk. Anchored in 10 FOW straight out from the gap in the trees and in 2 hours we had 84 perch, 8" - 13" = 15 lbs of fillets. Yep, it's a good fishin' pole. 8D

sweet!!! good job on the jumbo's they are big this year good to see some in the outter bay.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
Hi all.
canvasbacksca. Nice catch.
I was thinking maybe I should go out today. Then I remembered I had some jobs around the house. Took the Christmas lights off!!!!
I also remembered I took the boat to the Cottage for the summer.
Apparently I am going to live vicariously through the Forum until October unless..... Smoker... Smoker?
Good report and thanks for telling us.
Cheers, Clark
Congrats,theres good eating in that sink.

Big Rod
Well Canvasbacksca.....I guess all is well at Bluff Bar. Beautiful looking perch.
Today it was 3 rods X 4 Hours = 87 perch == 15 lbs of fillets. There were ~ 60 boats at Pottohawk and there were a heckuva lot of nice perch being caught. :)
Big change from Friday....quite a number of boats, action was slow at all depths tried, no one seemed to be doing much and most caught were undersize. That's the way the BAY Perch fishing goes...here today gone tomorrow.
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