Pottahawk Perch'n - Saturday Morning


Well-Known Member
We were on the water by 6:45AM coming out of Booths. Started fishing off pottahawlk in 8FOW....only two boats out there. We didnt get a sniff so we moved around a bit. Ended up anchoring where the trees start to thin out in about 9FOW. The bite picked up between 830-10AM. The bite slowed down around 1030 and alot of boats were showing up, so we decieded to pack it in. We put 24 nice perch between 9-11" in the cooler. Through back maybe 20 smaller guys. Cleaning fish by 11:30, just in time for lunch! Great day to be out on the water! Sorry no photos..got a couple videos...but not sure how to upload those on this site.
Re uploading videos to this site. You do it the same way as you do normal photos. Not sure about the other programs, but Photobucket you can upload the video clip and when it's done all you do is copy and paste the video link here. 8D

OR you upload the video to YouTube and put the link in your thread.
