Port Rowan Channel


There are a half dozen huts off the main channel in Port Rowan. Are they catching any fish? Spent a windy Tuesday about 500 yds South of EC10 and did not even see a fish. Long damn cold ride both ways.

Yours in conservation
Jim& Pat Abbey
1053 Col. Talbot Rd
Courtland, ON
Now that`s got to tell yea some thing
the last time I was there we spent 3/4 of an hr at the first spot
talked to some guys a little south of us they were there 3hrs had
nothing. we moved east just before getting to EC 10
and found some there. took home 13 to eat that night put back lots of dinks.

anyway I like to move around if nothing is happening in the first 1/2 to hour .

I don`t blame the bay some days you win and some days you don`t
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