Port Dover April 30/011


Well-Known Member
Took advantage of the nice weather and headed to Port to Timmies for a coffee & ??.

Lots of people on the pier, perch were definitely outnumbered. Saw very few in buckets, ones did see were really nice size.

Spoke to one of the regulars I recognized who summed up the fishing in one word "lousy". Even the minnows were in short supply.

Thanks for the report packrat. When does the derby end? Typically that's when the fish start biting.
Originally posted by Duck Soup

Thanks for the report packrat. When does the derby end? Typically that's when the fish start biting.

Arnie derby ends May 7---perch will show up in numbers May 8:D

Saw Fishbuster down there as well---wasnt getting squat.
