Got a late start 11AM fished straight out from Port Burwell in 62 FOW
went 5/7 4 wallys & 1 bow. Down 40 ft. on riggers and dypsy. Quit at 4PM.
My friend Rick & I had a great day out there.
Fished same area as you 7:00 - 9:00 - 2 walleyes and 1 bow. Dipsys out 80 on boards with riplin redfin. 1 eye on down rigger set at 20 and back. First time in awhile I've been able to drag the wife out trolling (she's a perch person) - didn't have the lines in for 1/2 hour and had triple on - 27 1/2 inch walleye and 1 bow - 3rd one got away. The wife wants to go again tommorrow.
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