Port Burwell July 27 (evening)


Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Left Port at 4 pm with J-man and headed SW to 60 fow and set-up.After a very unfortunate tangle of lines ( still not sure how but it sure was a mess) we got our spread back out in the water.The fish had lock jaw for the first half hour but finally decided to co-operate.All the fish were high up in the water and we seen alot of fish rolling on the surface and baitfish splashing the surface all around us.We boxed 5 walleye, but took over 15 shots on the dipseys and boards.Ran dipsey back 85 feet 3 setting with a black/purple nasty boy and the boards bomber long a perch color.Never had a touch off the riggers.Coming back into Port we saw the firetrucks and OPP on the beach with lights a blazing and thought not a good thing.We did get a chance to talk with an OPP in the channel and all turned out good.Someone flipped there dingy and ended up in the water,he said the person was cold but OK which was pleasing to hear.Great ride out and back,water stayed down nice.



nice, wow flipped their dingy, obviously wasn't weather related based on your pics!
South west is on fire now!
Hey Arnie,yes tangles are part of the fishing experience and they happen to all of us....lol,,you guys did well out there Wednesday morning....Kmaub,I am sure jason did bring some luck with him....lol
Onmedic,as for the water conditions it was like glass out there and we were surprised to see all the activity on the beach.But yep that is what the OPP said the person flipped there dingy and was left in the water.The OPP we talked too was actually driving the dingy down the channel when we talked to him,one of those little ones with no more than a 4-5 HP engine on it.Just happy it was a good ending

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