port burwell dredging


New Member
just wondering what the progress is on dredging Port Burwell for the arrival of the ojibwa? Are they still going to, when are they going to do it, how deep? I also read a report a while back about they where thinking of buying their own dredging equipment but have not heard anything since if they did or just contracted it out. Any info??
don't know whats going on. Nothing happening at all right now, getting shallow. Not so sure its even being done now this summer.
All I can say is the bows need to run up that creek, I sure hope they realize ( which we all know they do ) its pretty well too late to bother with it now. With the summer 90% behind us I think it would be pretty logical to just wait untill the most appropriate time to fire up the big vacuum, NOT DURING THE FALL RUN OF BOWS PLEASE LOL :D
I was told by one of the individuals who is going to be guiding the sub up the creek that the dredging is going on as planned in the coming weeks and that the township is purchasing there own machinery to keep the creek clear as it is a joke right now down to 1' on way out in spots and its a zig zag trying to get out. I really hope so or my boat is going to somewhere you don't have worry about getting stuck on the way in and out. So fingers crossed that they keep their word.

Rumor has it that they are bringing the sub in by truck and there will be no dredging.
Just did some googling and found that the delivery of the Ojibwa has been delayed from its original date of Sept 8, 2012 but no new date has been announced. It is currently in Hamilton where it is being fitted with cradles to hold it up. It will then be placed on barge and brought up the Welland canal to Port Burwell. I'm not sure how much the draft of the loaded barge will be but obviously less than the submarine would have been and a lot more than currently available in the channel. At 300 ft long, I don't think it will be moving on the road which is good for us...

Here is a link to the project website:

It would be quite the sight to see, seeing a submarine travelling down Hwy 19.
I havent had any issues getting out of the channel. Lots of water but some spots are shallow so just have to cut over to the east side.
Looking forward to seeing it arrive. It will be quite the sight to see.


I am on the north side of long point and would like to head around the point and over to Burwell when we get a calm day. Wondering if the channell is navigable (I have a 26ft Doral but can get thru if 2 ft of water) and also if gas is readily available. Thanks for the help guys.
Originally posted by WCM

I am on the north side of long point and would like to head around the point and over to Burwell when we get a calm day. Wondering if the channell is navigable (I have a 26ft Doral but can get thru if 2 ft of water) and also if gas is readily available. Thanks for the help guys.
Gas at Bradfeilds and Big Otter. Plenty of water. Just trim your motor some and stick to the east side of channel.entrace to channel is marked