Port Bruce Wednesday July 27

Caseys Dream

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Late report...sorry!

Left North Erie marina, (what an awesome place, Greg is great!!) at 830AM, travelled out of port at 160 degrees and set up in 59FOW, trolled for an hour with many changes...nothing.

Picked up and moved halfway to Burwell, set up in 61FOW and here was the fish! Set up the temp probe, it was 57 degrees down 27 feet, 63 degrees at 23 feet...and 72 degress on surface...WILD!

We had 2 riggers, 2 dipseys, and a 5 color. Rigger set at 25 feet, should be 20-22 after blowback gave us first eye! Set up other rigger same, and game was on! 5 color was too slow, switched to a 3, which is crazy for July and that line became alive!

Dipsey set at #3 and 90 out was awesome too, brought in 2 bows using a perch ripplin redfin on that line.

Hot spoons were Greasy Chicken Wing, Monkey Puke and a Killer Bee Stinger. I would say the starboard rigger was hottest with the Greasy Chicken Wing.

Enough wool to make 2 sweaters! Awesome day out there, things shut down at 2, so did we! Bud Light Lime never tasted so good.


Here is a pic of Outlaw #2 holding a bow that he never caught, note that he grabbed the biggest one!!! Actually my wife caught this fish!!

Thanks for the good report. Be heading down there in a few hours. Be out of Burwell. Rods all set. Always interesting to here the temps. I will be bringing one more rod now for deep diving cranks after reading your report.
Like to see the wool sweater. lol nice going.
My Fish Hawk temp probe says the preffered temp are

Steelhead 50
Salmon 54
Walleye 67

so up high for walleye rods, down a bit for salmon/bows
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