Port Bruce Walleye

monty smith

Well-Known Member
My friend wanted to try out his new boat tuesday to make sure eveything worked. So we picked up one other person to go and off we went with high expectation of gettig our last kick at the cat, and maybe some rainbow. Heading out of port we saw the commercial fishing boats close to shore, we headed out to 56 feet of water between bruce and stanley. Was useing every combination in the tackle box, nothing worked.Lowrance HDS marked all kinds of fish on bottom and bait fish all over , fish showed at 20 to 40 ft. surface temp showed 65.4 so decided to head out to 65ft,. Bingo temp went to 66.7 and finally to 67.4 . First fish hit on walker cookie at 30ft. as luck would have it lost our first fish, we had been trolling since 10 in the morning 4 hrs to get first hit. Three lead cores out another fish hits this time on Walker Downrigger down 48 ft. fish goes across all lead core lines OH MY GOD what a mess. lost another fish. We killed ourselfy laughing, what the heck such a great day to be on the water, boat was running great, good company could not ask for anything better. Now we had been trolling for 6hrs. Nobody on vhf radio. Getting desperate to put fish on my friends boat so decided to change combinations again set rigger at 30ft. as was seeing fish up high. i knew the fish we had lost was not walleye by the way they and the mess our lines was in figuerd it had to be bows, so shortened downrigger lead to 30ft. same as i would do Lake Ont.Changed knock out lure to blue and chrome ,FISH ON at long last put up a good fight looked like bow in the water wrong again it was a coho. YAHOO not skunked put fish in cooler now we are on to them. Reset lines about 10 minutes later fish on lead core 7 colours wow here we go , but to our dismay silver bass or white perch whatever you call them.Fished8D[}:)][:eek:)] till 6 then decided to pull lines as it would soon be dark by the time we loaded the boat.
Hated to say goodbye for the season.
We still had the trip back to BRANTFORD and fish stories to tell also memories of this day.
Got home at 9 grabbed a beer ,went to rec. room turned on Jays game feel asleep in recliner. Woke up with a jerk heard someone calling FISH ON. Only a dream. Till next time.
great post...i have those dreams to....like closing your eyes and seeing the rods moving or even worse after the first day I primed tobacco in grade seven i had nightmares that first evening of missing leaves!!
That reminded me of my dad when he was in his eighties who fell asleep in the lazy boy after a fishing day on the Bayfield pier. I went to pull the TV remote out of his hand and up came the big hook set.