Port Bruce Perch Friday


Well 2 of us brought home 30 monsters. We went out east of pier 39 feet in front of silver barn. I wish I had of went out at day break, We got out there at 10 am the breeze made it hard to get them we really had to work. We used green small mustad hooks with a couple of heavy split shots. We came back in around 130pm. I think If we were out there when it was calm it would be alot easier to get them. Right of the bottom. The gobies were there as well. I hope to get out soon again. Special thanks always to Greg at North Erie Marina for the good minnows 5$ a scoop. In case you are wondering its the launch?marina at the bottom of the hill b4 the bridge coming from Aylmer. Greg helped us launch in out and gave us a ride with golf cart to our truck....Can't wait to go again it will only get better.
Thanks for the report.

Waiting patiently??? for them to arrive at the pier so the landlubbers can get their licks in:D

Greg at north erie is great. I am glad he sells minnows now. Is it a good scoop for 5$?
Nice job on the perching, sounds like they are all over erie again.
We went out of port stanley to 36.5' in front of pumping station today. We caught 44 good solid keepers today in 3 hrs for 2 guys(some were downright pigs). We only caught and released a few dinks. No eggs in any of them. We caught about 6 dozen minnows along the wall on the way out of channel.
I am taking my kids out tomorrow and I agree. Earlier was much easier to feel the bite.
I also went out of Bruce today. Didn't hit the water till 1pm. Tried out deep in the cleaner water in 40ft & only got 2. Moved in to the dirtier water in 35fow & brought home 32. All were a good size, half were 12 & over & 2 were the biggest perch I have ever seen. Of course the wife got those 2!!:P. Am planning on being out early 2morrow. I must agree that Greg at North Erie is a fantastic guy & an awesome help!8D
Went for the first time out with my boat today perchin, beautiful morning but didnt have much luck first thing, sounds like it picked up a bit after we left, lauched out of bruce with Greg at north erie marina, seemed like a great guy and helped me out an tonne since im still a bit wet behide the ears getting my boat legs, will be launching with him again next times im out. gonna try burwell first thing tommorrow. everyone around just looked happy to have a nice day on our hands, thanks for the info guys.
Went out of Port Stanley today off the rocks. Caught 56 large perch in 4 hours. Fantastic. Bought our minnows at Molly's where they are $5 per scoop as well. Nice big ones!
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