Fishing Report Port Bruce July 3


Well-Known Member
Started out in 41ft just east of the 3 trees, was gonna try our luck on a few perch before we started to troll. One perch to show for it. Lost something big aswell, either a sheep head or a eye, never got to see it though. Tried in 35 ft and 31 ft, not even a bite. Zoomed out to 51 ft, got one right away on a blue and silver rrf, 5 colour lead. Trolled out to 58, then turned back around. Eventually picked up 5... blueberry muffin picked up 2 on the dipsy at 95 ft, one on pink Panties and another on nascar. No real colour was the ticket, dipsy’s out fished lead which was odd. All and all, a great night on the water!