Port Bruce July 19/011


Well-Known Member
Fishin was HOT HOT HOT this morning (NOT)

Started at 6, packed it in by 10:30, left only the locals to stick it out on the pier.

Mind you there were fish caught--sheepies, white perch, silver bass and a whole whack of teeny bopper perch:P

Must have been pretty wild down there over the last couple day, channel was messed up with floating weeds and other assorted junk, even had a pretty good current going thru at times.

Picked today as the "coolest":Pof the next few, even at that it got pretty toasty by 10:00. Oh well the only thing I like better then cleaning a pail full of fish is not to have to clean any at all 'tall.

:0 Yer a braver man than I am! The London area did get hit with a nasty storm I heard. Remember my plan to hit Port D on Sunday?? Never happened..too hot for moi!
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