Well-Known Member
Finially have a good report to make.
Took the wife, youngest daughter, and the brother inlaw out for some perch and we were not disappointed. We had twelve 13" inchers by the time we left at 12:30 (ran out of minnows)and 33 nice keepers all well over 10" even started throwing back some nice ones as I'm the only one to clean the fish.[^]
Thanks to my dad for suppling the 3 dozen minnows from the river.
We went out at 7:00 am in 43FOW just east of bruce pier and started fishing. The water temp was back down to 51 degrees from 60 last week end. We were suprized to see so many boats out on a Friday but is good to see for sure.
Back home by 2:30 to clean up our haul and supper was had buy all (very tasty I might add).
Sorry no pics today as all the pictures that I took were deleted from my camera by the middle child that decided they were not needed and took other pics instead. [
So you will all just have to take my word for it! LOL 8D
Took the wife, youngest daughter, and the brother inlaw out for some perch and we were not disappointed. We had twelve 13" inchers by the time we left at 12:30 (ran out of minnows)and 33 nice keepers all well over 10" even started throwing back some nice ones as I'm the only one to clean the fish.[^]
Thanks to my dad for suppling the 3 dozen minnows from the river.
We went out at 7:00 am in 43FOW just east of bruce pier and started fishing. The water temp was back down to 51 degrees from 60 last week end. We were suprized to see so many boats out on a Friday but is good to see for sure.
Back home by 2:30 to clean up our haul and supper was had buy all (very tasty I might add).
Sorry no pics today as all the pictures that I took were deleted from my camera by the middle child that decided they were not needed and took other pics instead. [

So you will all just have to take my word for it! LOL 8D