pointe au baril


Well-Known Member
I am wondering if any of you have experience fishing pointe au baril in November. I am heading up the first weekend in November, just looking for some tips seeing as this will be my first trip here.

Thanks a bunch.
Ninja....just had an awesome weekend fishing there!! Walleye are biting like crazy in the river right now. By the time you get there maybe some of the monster females will be in. The weather looks like it's gonna turn alot colder then is was last weekend so bundle up dude! You can also fish the main channel for Muskie and a few spots along the trip out to the river will also produce perch. We landed a nice Pike out of the river the first day too, and saw a Muskie roll, so anything is possible. Awesome place to fish!!!!
If it's your first time there, my advice is to take it slow there are rocks everywhere, follow someone else if you can till you get the lay of the land. I've been going there for years and still get suprised once in a while with one. Anyway one other thing, get your minnows before you get there!!!! There is bait store right at the corner across the street from the gas station, but they are creek chubs and they are exspensive! get afew gobies and catfish in the mix too, nice eh? On the other hand if you don't mind paying for the convenience of it they do work just fine.(around $6/doz if I remember correctly)Bring some worms as well, they produced better first thing in the morning and then it seemed to switch to a minnow bite after the sun started to give some heat.
Anyway, let me know if you need more info, and GOOD LUCK !!

p.s. Check the fish limits and slot size and make sure your boat has all the safety gear cause the MNR are never far away and they know you can't get out of the river without having to pass by them.

Thanks man, any info you want to share is welcome. Even better would be some sort of nautical map....even if you drew it on a napkin so I have some idea of the rocks to look out for. Where did you launch from. My buddy has been there before but I have not, I will ask him where exactly we are headed to, but I do recall him saying there is a public launch will will go out from and that the area is a river type with a bay and falls near by. He also mentioned about the big females coming in around November. I am so pumped for this trip! I am going to send him an e-mail as to the location we are headed so I con communicate better with you, I hate going in blind. Thanks for the help.
My son and I fish there every summer. He has a really good nautical map drawn up by one of the old timers at the provincial park. This guy has fished there for 30 yrs so he knows all the sweet spots. I will have my son get in touch, he's on this forum and we can try to get a map to you.
OK ninja, this is how I go. I launch at Beacon Marina ($10) parking there too ($20/day), the free ramp(under the bridge) your bud was talking about was taken out a couple years ago, unless there is another I don't know about. From there head west between School House and Opechee Islands, through Brignall Bank narrows to Kitsicano channel. Now go around Winona Island (North side) through the "S turn" on the S.E. side, opens up into big bay, head S.E. you will see a rock (Whitsun Rock) stay South of this and head into the river inlet, there is a Canadian flag on the right side. Keep to the middle of the channel till you're about 3/4 way through, to this point you should have no trouble with rocks and can go as fast as you're comfortable with. Keep you eyes open for a marker in the left centre, go around this on the left SLOW DOWN, once you are past get back to the middle and you can speed up again. Now it opens up again and you can fish just about anywhere, I go past the first bay to the North and along that North shore line you will see rock face that drops back down to treelined shore. This has always been a good starting point, fairly close to shore (15ft). Abit further down you will see a double birch tree, also a very reliable spot (fish 15-38 ft). Haven't spent much time further down to the East or on the South shore(haven't needed to limits and size right there), I do know there are alot more rocks on the South shore, 3 people hit them when I was there last week.
Anyway, now all you need is a jig with minnow or worm 1/4 once should be plenty (that's up to you) throw out the anchor and fish right on the bottom.

The directions will make perfect sense if you check the map, names of Islands and Channels are on there.
OR..........just take me with you!!!!! lol.
Good Luck Ninja!!

Wow, now thats some detailed info, thanks man. My buddy says we are fishing the Shawnaga River. A few other friends were up there last week and killed them as well. I am trying to get all the info I can. FSHRGRL, that would be great, just e-mail e the map if you can, I would hate to take the bottem end of my yamaha.
You're welcome zx........it's always nice to have a good idea of what you're in for, a weekend is not enough time to be screwing around looking for the fish, hopefully I've done all but put them in your boat for you. Let me/us know how you make out. I'll be interested in how my "spot" produces in November, I've never been there that late in the season.

Will do, I will post the results and some pictures ( if I take any...always forget to) when I get back.

Well Pikefishinfever, the Shawanaga did not disappoint! We followed a boat out to the river to make our first trip a little easier and started fishing around 8am. Had the first fish in the boat with in 5 mins. of anchoring off the North shore just past the second bay.


We stayed in that same area, only moving once, from 8-10am boating about 15 walleye between 14-18 inches. After trading up our limit of 3 fish to 16 inchers, we trolled with worm harnesses and rapalas to the back of the river near the falls where we beached the boat for a shore lunch of home fries and fresh walleye.


After an hour and a half on shore, our bellies full and a couple ales in us we headed back out. We hit the same stretch of shoreline and started hitting them right off the bat, all in the same 14-18" range. We moved a few more times along the North side and into the big bay and caught fish at every spot we anchored. Creek chubs on drop shot rigs were the choice of the day, but we also caught fish on worms and jigs tipped with worms. Once the sun started fading we again tried trolling for the big females but had no luck.

Had a great day on the water boating about 30-40 walleye all around the same size with very few 12" or less.


Had a blast up there and are most definitely going to make our way back next. Thanks for all your advice!
Glad you guys had a good time and caught some fish!! Thanks for posting some pics, makes it feel alittle like I was there again too. Gotta wait for the hard water now..............long wait!!!

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