Pike - Inner Bay - Thursday, May 12th

Duck Soup

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
With the weatherman forecasting the probability of poor weather and the Inner Bay closed to angling after the 15th, Albert, John and I headed out this morning. Others obviously had the same idea and there was lots of competition.....I think everyone caught fish. We lost count but estimate that the three of us caught at least 20 pike ranging from 2 to 9 pounds in 4 hours with lots of fish 4-6 pounds. I've included a photo of Albert and myself with nice pike. John had a beauty I wanted to photograph just before we quit but the knot on his jig slipped out while I was positioning the fish to grab under the gill plate. Silver spoons were best but they bit pretty well on everything.

Good job Duck can't wait till saturday.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
Duck - you're killing me here! Spent the whole day in the office; from 6:00 this morning and just getting home now, working on a darn presentation.

Nice haul though; thanks for the report. I think I'll start living vicariously through you.
Awesome Arnie! Glad to see you were out enjoying the sunshine. I had anglers stop on the way back in and said they caught their limit of Perch as well. So looks like a great day over all for fishing.

Stef Carroll
If the weather cooperates I volunteered to be the first mate on my son-in-law's boat to help with four or more grandchildren after perch tomorrow. I sure hope they bite Stef and I don't really care how big they are.
Originally posted by Jimmy Riggin

Awesome Arnie! Glad to see you were out enjoying the sunshine. I had anglers stop on the way back in and said they caught their limit of Perch as well. So looks like a great day over all for fishing.

Stef Carroll

Good luck with that, Duck! Hope the kids do well - its amazing to see the look on their faces when a fish bites.
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