Fishing Report Pike - Bluff Bar - Tuesday, May 3rd

Duck Soup

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
We tried again! Me, Albert and Canvasback. The information we had was that anglers struggled at the Strait Line Tournament on Saturday therefore we expected to do likewise. We did well enough with numbers landing 22 pike and 1 SM Bass in about 3 hours but the biggest pike hardly exceeded 3 pounds. The bass weighed 4 pound 4 ounces but that doesn't count for much out of season. Water temperatures ranged from 49 to 53 degrees F. Wind was NE about 10 knots early and light and variable by noon. We enjoyed full sunshine on the water but saw the clouds building on shore. We fished exclusively with jigs and swim baits with swim baits being the better of the two. No photos. Nothing worth photographing.
Nice to see you had the numbers for netting those pike @Duck Soup. Me and @stomp would of like to have had at least half those numbers on Saturday just so we could say we caught something. I know they are there but the water temps need to come up. Hope to see you guys out there sometime in the next 8 Fridays.

The water temp will be up for the LPBBA on the 14th and here's to hoping for some descent pike for weigh in. @stomp isn't quite ready for using bait caster reels:ROFLMAO: But he might be the first person to make a birds nest in my trolling reels:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Hi Jim,
I'm pretty sure things will improve. It's not unusual to have small pike active enough to pick up jigs presented to them in an enticing way. John Piggott is experimenting with swim baits and actually did the best today. He has been sticking with them and this is his second year. Albert and I handily beat him every time out last year but only once so far in 2016. We'll see what happens when the fish start hitting better.
Nice to see you had the numbers for netting those pike @Duck Soup. Me and @stomp would of like to have had at least half those numbers on Saturday just so we could say we caught something. I know they are there but the water temps need to come up. Hope to see you guys out there sometime in the next 8 Fridays.

The water temp will be up for the LPBBA on the 14th and here's to hoping for some descent pike for weigh in. @stomp isn't quite ready for using bait caster reels:ROFLMAO: But he might be the first person to make a birds nest in my trolling reels:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I feel your pain @stomp bait casters are not my friend either. Loved this post!