Pike - Bluff Bar - Thursday, May 19th

Duck Soup

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Decent weather...no rain....light winds....BUT....the pike did not cooperate. 2 pike - 4 hrs x 3 anglers/rods. I'm not sure why the fishing was so poor. Water temp was 52-53 degrees F. We did mark lots of bait fish and saw a few dead smelt therefore the smelt may have been inside the bar spawning. Picture below is one of several SM Bass that did bite.
Thats a fatty looks like she hasn't even started to spawn going to be a awesome opener this year.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
Always negative LOL I think the Lake Erie smally population isn't hurting to bad but there is definately a tonne taken out of the bay on opener. Sorry for the hijack Duck:)


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
I think they should open bass season here just like N.Y.I've been going over there every spring and spending my money there. The fishery is getting better the last 20years so don't tell me early season hurts the spawn.
That's a fatty smallie. Too bad you couldn't scoop a pail full of fresh smelt, would they every taste good. Now I made myself hungry:p

Brian (Legend Man)
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