Pike - Bluff Bar, Perch - Inner Bay - Sat., May 28

Duck Soup

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Canvasback(JP) and I headed for Bluff Bar this morning in the fog. Despite lots of dead smelt we managed to land 6 nice 3 to 5 pound pike in 3 hrs x 2 anglers/rods.
We brought some minnows and started looking for perch in the afternoon. We ended up once again off of Old Cut in the Inner Bay. We caught lots, probably over 100 fish, but this time less than 10 were keepers. No pictures, John figured none of our fish were worthy of a photo. The fog lifted by late morning and the afternoon was beautiful....very enjoyable.
Originally posted by camelot

We were at the bluffs this afternoon and noticed many dead smelt I believe. Do you know why?

Happens every year some years they pile up along the shore lines some years they float around, last year was really bad I believe they die after spawning .


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
So you mnage to get out after all. I guess those winds calmed down at your side of the world.
Need to do a small repair on my livewell pump...hope I can finish it quickly....so get ready8D

Ice Fisherman
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