Perching in burwell


Well-Known Member
Heading out Saturday hoping for perch... never been able to get out this early in the season... any xchance I can get some suggestions on depth this time of year... I know the usual spots but I'm kind of at a loss as to what depth to start at?
Shallow seemed to work last year. Haven't been out that way yet this year, but when I do ill start in the 35-42fow. Good luck & keep us posted on what worked for you (y)
I don't mean to be a smart Alec but any were from 5 to 55 depending on temp current clarity and wind direction
Last year my first trip out was May 25th and 4 of us got 200 big perch in 50 fow just east of the sandhills. weather pending im hoping to get out sunday.
can't tell you about Burwell, but a guy came back in to Pt Bruce today an hour after he went out to the south west of the pier and claimed he got 15 in an hour in 40ft of water.