Perchin Port Bruce July 07/011


Well-Known Member
The two of us arrived at the pier around 6--did a fast looksee--saw couple perch landed, thats all I wanted to know. So make a beeline to North Erie marina for two scoops of minnows and start fishing around 6:30.

Was steady all morning, lots of double headers, lots of throw backs.
Total in the bucket by 12:30 was 35, about the same number were released. Only a few 'jumbos' had to really sort your fish to get some decent size ones.

Hot spot was the channel which was the clearest I've ever seen about 1/3 across. Dont know how the beach side of the pier did, was kinda busy.

Lots of boaters heading out with a good pack formed east of pier not that far off shore.

Love it when a real good day comes together like this.

Hey packrat ......thanks for the report we are headed out tomorrow in a boat to how we can do !!....................apps
Originally posted by apps

Hey packrat ......thanks for the report we are headed out tomorrow in a boat to how we can do !!....................apps

Hey apps, pack wasnt moving so I imagine they were on perch

Originally posted by gdawg

Thanks for the update.

How far from the pier would you say the pack was?
Mile? closer?

Guesstimate would be mile really didnt look like a long run to join them

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