

Well-Known Member
We got out for a bit of mid day perchin, which can be a bit tuff, especially when it's hot, but we got into them off hastings today. Probably got to Hastings at 11:30am or so and left at just after 2:00pm. The bite was light, but the weather was perfect. We had half a cooler full at 2:00pm and I knew by the time I got home and had them cleaned that supper would be ready, so we left a few for Big Daves next These perch have to be some of, if not the biggest, I have ever pulled over the side of the Legend. Also I pulled in a 5-6lb sheephead, which when it hit I thought was a nice walleye, but since I seem to be the king of the sheephead off burwell it was par for the course off Hastings:rolleyes:. Here's a couple from today, sorry for the land shot, forgot the camera in the rush this morning.
Looking good Brian...we found them yesterday much closer but hey was the time to do that loooong trip to Hastings ;-)

Ice Fisherman
Nice looking perch Brian. Albert and I plan to try for some tomorrow although we're hoping we don't have to go as far. The weather looks good so best make hay when the sun shines.
Nice perch! I have never made the trip out there. I have a 50hp motor and top out at 30mph. How long would it take to get over there?
Good to see you out there Brian, you know the old saying?

Should have been there yesterday:rolleyes:

They were light bites but decent...........nice big fish......