

Hey Stomp, I have been having ball taking out some gentlemen that are special needs to teach them how to fish. I dont have a boat, so I've been renting them at the Old Cut and we’ve been out twice. We caught 20 decent perch in late July, but when I took a gentleman out August 16 we were pretty much "skunked" if you don’t include all the 5 inch perch we caught (all off old cut and towards the other side of the bay). Just curious if you have any suggestions on where else we can go on a small 14ft Aluminum boat to get some decent jumbos in late August. If anyone else wants to comment, feel free. Thanks,
kirk, we were fishing the channel by ec10 on saturday and got a few jumbos and a group of boats seemed to be doing good. lively minnows were the ticket.

good on ya for taking those guys fishing. most people out there aren't willing to take out people with special needs or simply dont have the patience. i had an uncle with down syndrome who loved fishing and always caught fish. i really miss that guy...

if you're in need of a bigger boat (more people want to fish or possibly someone in a wheelchair) ill be getting an 18ft lund or polar kraft in 1-3 weeks and would be more than willing to take you guys out fishing. email me if interested.
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