Perch - Woolley's Pt - Tuesday, August 16th

Duck Soup

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Albert and I had planned to go to Burwell but the winds were not scheduled to drop to light until mid morning so we opted for perch close to home. We fished Woolley's Point for the first time this season and simply drifted casting our mini spinner baits sweetened with shiners.... took us 3 hours to use $5 worth of Well's minnows and when we were done we had 64 keepers between 8" and 13" .
Way to go guys ...was there many boats fishing this morning? What depth were you fishing to get out this week ..ty
Nice to see perch is still around that late in the season Arnie.
Hope they are also in the Burwell area for the next few days.
Will call you tonight.

Ice Fisherman
Allen12....we were drifting and casting between 12 and 15 fow. Anglers doing best at anchor were in about 13-14 feet of water.
Originally posted by allen12

Way to go guys ...was there many boats fishing this morning? What depth were you fishing to get out this week ..ty

You said it Duck----AWESOME!!!!! That's an impressive catch for three hours work.

Those two that Albert is holding look like a couple nice jumbos for sure.

Hey Arnie---how's the arm today after all that casting/catching:D

Did you have many throwbacks?????

Hi Gord, My arm is fine. I think we only caught 6 under 8"and none under 7-1/2". Majority were 9" but we probably had dozen over 10". I saw one caught that looked over 13", but not by us.
Originally posted by packrat

Hey Arnie---how's the arm today after all that casting/catching:D

Did you have many throwbacks?????


Nice job guys!! What's the closest launch to the point? I don't usually do any perchin' until fall in the bay, but, wouldn't mind getting a couple this time of year.

Port Dover Harbour Marina is the closest. Head straight WSW for a couple of miles.
Originally posted by FRANKIE

Nice job guys!! What's the closest launch to the point? I don't usually do any perchin' until fall in the bay, but, wouldn't mind getting a couple this time of year.


Originally posted by Duck Soup

Port Dover Harbour Marina is the closest. Head straight WSW for a couple of miles.
Originally posted by FRANKIE

Nice job guys!! What's the closest launch to the point? I don't usually do any perchin' until fall in the bay, but, wouldn't mind getting a couple this time of year.


Thank you, sir!! See how the winds play out this weekend.
hi duck soup
where is Woolley's Point from turkey point and fishers glen and is there a topographic map you can go to on this site
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