Perch report for Saturday


Well-Known Member
Hi all.
Number one and I got up early, ate breakfast, loaded the boat and left 20 minutes later at the crack of noon.
We were set up with two scoops of Jimmy's finest by 13:20. Half mile East of Old Cut in four feet of water. Number one caught 7 fish quite quickly with one keeper. Things died and we went out to my favourite spot in eight and a half feet of water. Nothing.
Back in we go to the same spot East of Old Cut but in five and a half feet. The wind picks up at 15:00 and the bite turns on big time. We fished until 16:00 as I was getting thirsty.
One thirteen, three twelves and ten elevens. We threw back a pile of fish. Dead sticking did the job again.
Cheers, Clark
Thanks for the post, I've been watching to see if anyone's been catching perch in the inner bay. Looks like a good week coming up.

Gone fishing, be back at dark-thirty!
Same type of results here. Fished 11-230 two anglers, south end of bay in 3.5 FOW limit of perch. All a good size with very few dinks.

Ppl on shore were suprized when they asked how we did.

Boat ran great. New graph with GPS works awesome. A great start to the season.

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