Perch fishing from shore

I'm looking for some info on where i can take my daughter shore fishing on monday, I was hoping to use my boat but the parts are not in yet, so we will have to shore fish, can anyone tell me where to go? Bruce, Burwell, of Pt. Stanley? I've never fished west of dunnville so this is all new to me.
Hey Minnow Killer, I was in Burwell Friday June 3rd, as we motored out of the channel there were 2 people just leaving the pier, each with a real nice basket of perch. at least 20 each. We got there late at 11:00 am, went east to 42 fow and got 37 perch between 2 guys, all over 10 inches in 2 1/2 hours. Another great day for fishing.
Regards, Randy

Keep your hooks "Sticky Sharp"
Minnow killer:

Here's my input---

Port Dover/Port Bruce pier "can" be good at times---Dover right at the end, Bruce is usually a zoo, really not a place for youngsters.

Burwell---the pier with the lighthouse is a not user friendly---have to walk out over rocks to get to it, and its a long walk.
Stanley---guys usually fish off the rocks---dont know what they're
like to climb over----never fished.

Hope I didnt pour cold water on your plans.

I'm gonna try stanley first, it's closest to where i'm comin from, then if thats a flop i'll drive over to bruce. Does anyone know where to get minnows in Port Stanley?
Originally posted by minnow killer

I'm gonna try stanley first, it's closest to where i'm comin from, then if thats a flop i'll drive over to bruce. Does anyone know where to get minnows in Port Stanley?

There's a bait shop as you approach the pier---not sure the name of the street/road.

Mollys----minnows are $5/scoop----generous too from what I hear

Stanley is good. the rocks are easily accessable, you can park 5 feet from where you fish. was there a week ago and managed 6 nice one in 2 hours. Silvers are in there to. fishing should really start to pick up there soon if it hasnt already
Thanks for all the info, we fished the rocks at Port Stanley, first hour we got 4 perch and a big sheephead, then we took a 2 hour break and went to the beach swimming. then from 230 till 330 we got 4 more big perch, a small sheephead and a silver bass, all in all i was impressed, the guys next to us had full stringers.