Perch and Bows and Eyes south side of the point 07/16

sea star

Well-Known Member
Ran down to hastings this am. Took a look at a couple of spots on the way but only picked up 1 perch. As we approached our mark to run to we saw a small group of boats. Set down just east of them and limited out 5 of us in about 21/2 hours. What a perch fishery!!!! Ran back east 11 miles and started trolling. Managed 5 bows and 3 eyes in 3 hours. (running 8 rods). Copper watermelon and greasy chicken best spoons.....body baits didn't take a hit. (also brought in 3 big perch on the cores) only one sheephead and the flees were not bad at all. No fish beyond 80 fow.....all between 62-77 fow between 42 and 60 down. Hard to stop at the elbow tomorrow when I know there are lots of fish down the south side.
Elbow was a bust tonight nothing but sheepheads
How far around the point were you picking up the bows?
We ended up 7 miles east when we pulled. We were still hitting fish but it was time to go home. I'm pretty sure that there are fish all the way to the tip, I'll likely set up about two miles west of the tip in the am. then go west till I find them . We just kept moving east today from where we set up and never really went long without one except when we tried out deeper.
Nice Norv.....hope it was cooler out there. Actually we did hit a breeze on the way into harbour at Burwell. It extended out about 2 miles from shore. I'm happy I don't have to pay your fuel bill for the trip around the point.
Sounds like an awesome day on the water, I haven't had a day like that in a long time.
Great day for you Norv. As I mentioned, I was able to take my team mates out on the water for 2 hrs. of trolling later in the day. We had our lines in (5 spread) by 1:30pm and trolled in my little spot near the Elbow in 74 fow. In 2 hrs during bright sun, managed 2 eyes and 3 bows in the box. We lost more bows at the boat then we caught. I lost count. I'll blame the "first timers" handling the rods. lol Good to know our marks are similar at 67 to 78fow.

You had a perfect day to go around the point. Great results for your group. I'll touch base with you regarding the area south of the pt. There is a nice underwater ridge out that way aswell.

Thanks for the post Norv.

We were planning on fishing our way back from Hastings on Sunday....but ran out of time. Sounds like We should have quit the perchin sooner. Figured My gas bill from Colletta Bay to Clear Creek and back was $180

Still not bad for a full day of fun.....and would have been cheaper if we had trolled part of the way.
It was a fun day. I wish I could have done it for 180$. The breeze did start up a touch while we were trolling Arnie....much least the flies stayed away. Caseys Dream...we were always here just quietly fishing the bay but also spending a lot of time on Lake Ont. This year it will be mostly LPB. I'll keep reporting here as long as there are others doing the same.....makes it easier for everyone. Thanks to the guys who have been posting results.